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This session includes healing of the heart chakra and removing energetic blocks due to traumatic experiences (known and unknown) you’ve gone through, while unlocking the flow of love for yourself and others. I work closely with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the original divine twin flames. They are here to teach us to love again and restore balance with their unifying force of love. If you struggle with manifesting positive flow, abundance and healthy relationships in your life, it is connected with a lack of self-love. When we heal and learn to love ourselves again, that love is reciprocated and a new reality is created where manifesting your hearts desires becomes much easier. This energy work is not only about clearing energy and healing, but about unlocking and activating your DNA, where the information is stored.
Did you know your DNA is encoded with incredible super human abilities? Your DNA is a highly advanced quantum super computer and once certain codes are unlocked and activated, you will undergo a metamorphosis in the days following. I scan your DNA to find the necessary keys to turn on your codes needed for this time in your life. Whether it’s unlocking and activating certain gifts, abilities, healing, restoring youth, memories, emotions, psychic abilities, telepathy, increased cognitive abilities, etc., your spirit and the Divine Holy Creator knows exactly what you need right now and we will work in unison to bring those abilities forward for you using my frequency to unlock and activate YOU. DNA keeps information and frequency unlocks special abilities.
Have you always been told you’re a good listener, you’re too sensitive and random strangers tell you their life story while in public and you’ve spent most of your life trying to make sense of why you feel things so deeply? You’ve been bestowed with God given gifts and abilities as a natural born healer and it’s time to unlock and activate your powers with unconditional love, grace and compassion for humanity. The time is now that we as healers and starseeds are being called upon as we’re at the precipice of seeing the greatest awakening to mankind that we’ve ever witnessed and we need all “boots on the ground” and healers activated to help humanity. This is a focused session where I work with your energy to clear and remove energetic blocks so you can heal yourself first in an effort to work as a healer. I will also unlock and activate at a DNA level, your core healing abilities. It’s important to note that healers should not work on others energetically until you’ve healed yourself. This is an important daily hygiene practice at any healing capacity your are working in.
Do you often dream about returning to a home you once lived in and have questioned why you keep going back to this house? This is due to an energetic blueprint connected to your system that is causing distortions from karmic cycles, negative patterns and trauma. Your energetic blueprint is likened to a medical file or chart with your entire life history. I’ll scan your system and identify areas that need energetic clearing and healing. *Please be advised, this involves extensive energy work and cannot be resolved in one session.
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